Monday, January 9, 2017

Hello From Brooklyn...It' All Part of the Adventure

well we have been in Brooklyn for almost a full week now and it has been quite the adventure so far! We are settling into our cozy Airbnb (which is very small and cozy). I started working last week and josh unload or stuff into our place. Thatcher is adjusting well to not having my full undivided attention, and I think that is going well. He has definitely had some small jealousy issues, but he's getting over that!

Saturday we ventured around and got some stuff done. We went to Costco and let me just say, I miss the quietness of our Costco back in Kansas City. It was so busy and loud and a little overwhelming. After Costco, we decided to venture into Manhattan. It was a snowy mess! We ended up getting about  5 inches of snow I think. We did all sorts of errands, had dinner at Shake Shack, grabbed cookies at Levain, and then came home to get warm and dry! Thatcher enjoyed the subway and he found the city to be fascinating (or so I think).

Sunday was a pretty low key day. We didn't really do much. Since Josh started working today, we decided to just stay home most of the day and relax! We have been going since we got here so it was nice!

Now on to what you all want to really know about...the apartment hunting. We viewed several apartments last week....10 I think. On Friday, I lined up several appointments for Josh to go around and look during the day. Most of the apartment agents here are Hasidic and they don't show from sundown Friday until Sunday because of their sabbath, so that meant trying to cram as many in as possible. We found a really great apartment and turned in our application. Hopefully, and all fingers crossed, that it works out. We really love it and it is perfect for us!!!! Keep your fingers crossed for us too!!! I will definitely be posting photos when we get an apartment and we are in and settled! Hopefully that is sooner rather than later though! It's hard being in a tiny studio with a toddler who is into everything. I guess that's all part of the adventure!!

Well that's all for tonight! I hope to have some more exciting news for you as the week continues. Keep us in your thoughts and send good vibes!! We love you all!

Here are a few pics for you!

And last, but not least!

Monday, August 31, 2015

Thatcher's Birth Story

On Thursday August 20th, I went to work like it was any normal day. By 11:30 I was having pretty regular contractions that were getting closer together and more painful. Around 12:45, they were pretty pretty consistent in all of the areas that the hospital wanted in order to come in for a labor check. I decided to go up and talk to my boss and tell her that I may need to leave. By the time I got up the stairs, they were getting more and more strong and closer together so she decided that it might be best to go to the hospital to be checked. She drove me to the hospital and I was all checked in to be monitored by about 1:30. After being there for about 2 1/2 hours, the nurse said I wasn't progressing how they would like so she was sure that I was in early labor and I should just go home and wait it out. She told me this process could be anywhere from a few hours, to a few days...all I could think was that if this lasted a few days, I would never let Thatcher live it down.

Josh and I went to dinner and had some spicy Thai food. Once we got home, I bounced on my ball for a bit and then we went for a walk. During our walk, my contractions were still getting stronger and then at 6:40 (right on the dot), my water broke! We went home and loaded the car and got to the hospital and all checked in by about 7:30. Once we were hooked up to the monitor, they checked me and there still wasn't much progress from earlier that afternoon. The doctor on call said to labor it through the night and then we could do pitocin if needed. Since I was pretty positive (and hoping) we were having a c-section, I pushed off the pitocin because what was the point of getting it? Luckily, I had a fabulous nurse who totally was on my side and helped me to push off the doctor. By about midnight, my contractions were to the point where they were bringing tears to my eyes so I went ahead and asked for the IV narcotics to try and curb the pain. They ended up giving me Stadol, which worked great for about 2 hours, then they were back with a vengeance. By about 3:15 I had an epidural placed, which worked wonders.

While the epidural worked great, it brought on its' own set of problems. My blood pressure began to drop really low. I started getting dizzy, lightheaded, and nauseated. They kept trying to pump meds to bring it up, but it wasn't really working. The next thing I remember after that was waking up to about 6 nurses over the top of me, one with an oxygen mask, and one telling me they were going to place an internal monitor on Thatcher (his heart rate started dropping really low so they wanted to watch him more carefully). After we were both stable, I was able to sleep for about 2 hours or so before it was time for the nurses to make their change of shift rounds. At that point, they went ahead and pushed more meds, each time they did so, my blood pressure would drop and then we would go through the whole cycle of meds again... it would pretty miserable. Once I got the epidural and some sleep, I started to progress pretty quickly. At 3am I was still at a 2 (since about 2pm the previous afternoon). By 7 I was at a 5, and then by 10 I was at a 7. Around 9, we had made the plan to go ahead and do the c-section at 12pm and the doctor would be all set an ready. Since I was at a 7 at 10am, the nurse called the doctor and said we may need to bump up the time (which they did by 30 mins). The plan was made so now it was just time to wait.

Around 10:30, the nurse came in and started prepping me for the c-section. Around 11:20 the doctor arrived and we were all set to go. At 11:30 they wheeled us back and got everything all set up. Then at 12pm our little boy was born! He was born weighing 9lb 6oz at 20.5 inches long.

They cleaned him up and then brought him over to me, unfortunately, I was only able to hold him for about 30 seconds before my blood pressure began to tank again. I was freezing and shaking, dizzy, tingly, nauseated etc. I went in an out for the rest of the time they were sewing me back up. I could faintly hear Thatcher crying on one side and the doctor's talking on the other side. Once I was all stable and sewn back up, they wheeled us into our room. Once I was a little more awake, the doctor explained that I had a vessel, under the placenta, which had ruptured and I was losing blood. Since they were still working on getting the placenta out, they didn't realize that was where the blood was coming from. By the time they had, I had lost a lot of blood and that's why I was in and out.

After we were settled in the room, they also explained that Thatcher and I had developed some sort of infection so we were both heavily dosed with antibiotics. Once everything was explained, there was an endless supply of staff checking on us. Since Thatcher was on antibiotics, he kept having to go back to the nursery, making it so we each had our own nurse. We had a constant stream of help, which was nice! The rest of our stay went by relatively quickly, but we were so ready to get home!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

36 and 37 weeks

Almost there! There hasn't really been too much going on in the past couple of weeks. Just waiting on our little man to make his debut!

Yesterday we got to "see" our boy again! He was a whopping 8lb15oz. His belly and shoulders are so big that they were off of the charts and they couldn't tell us exactly how they were measuring. He's definitely going to be a chunker! We didn't end up seeing the doctor we were supposed to so we had to wait for the doctor to call us back yesterday with the final decision for when to have baby boy! The doctor finally got back to us and we are scheduled for a c-section for next Wednesday August 26th at 9am! The end is in site! We have 1 week to go!!!! We are so excited and ready to meet our little man! By this time next week we will have him here with us!!! 

Thursday, August 6, 2015

33, 34, and 35 weeks

Sorry I know I've been slacking on this. Life has been super busy! Not much has been going on, but I'll fill you in on what has happened.

33 weeks 

This is the week that we finished getting everything done. We finished buying what we still needed, we washed all of everything, and got everything organized. I also worked two weeks straight during this time...longest two weeks ever! 

34 weeks 

This week we had our maternity pictures done! They look amazing! I could not be more in love with them! There have been a few times where I look at them at tear up! It was so hard for me to choose just one that was my favorite, so I made a little collage of my top 15! 

I posted the rest on Facebook so be sure to check them out if you want to see them all! 

This was the week that we also got to see our boy again! He was weighing in at 7lbs 3oz. While I know these scans have a margin of error, he has been pretty consistent my whole pregnancy with the fact that he is getting more and more ahead on the growth chart. We will definitely be having a decent sized baby! At that appointment, the doctor discussed doing a c-section at 39 weeks if he hadn't already arrived. With his shoulders already measuring at 40w2d she was a little concerned about him getting stuck if we went another 4 weeks. She ordered another scan for us to have done at 37w5d and made a comment about if he had grown a lot between those 3 weeks, then maybe bumping that date up a little more. We are just taking it day-by-day, and I don't really feel like we will make it much passed 38 weeks anyway. 

35 weeks 

This week nothing too exciting happened, other than the fact that I slipped and fell flat on my butt. I was outside with the dogs in the rain and when I stepped off of the porch to coax Oliver inside, my feet went right out from underneath me. It hurt... Quite a bit. I shook it off and went to work. About an hour into work, I started having contractions. They started about 8 mins apart and then started getting closer together. Since I had fallen, I called the doctors office and asked them what they wanted me to do. They had me come in to be monitored and after about 2 hours they stopped. The doctor said to keep an eye on them, but whenever he was ready to come, they would just let him come! We could have a baby any day now! 

That's all! Nothing super duper. Just a few little things here and there! Our little man could be here any day, although I think he is going to wait until the week of the 17th (just a gut feeling I've had my whole pregnancy). Who knows though!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

31 and 32 weeks!

The last few weeks have been busy with trying the finish his room and get ready for my family to be here for our baby shower. We have pretty much been working nonstop trying to get things done! Needless to say, we finished his room and I finished most of my projects for him! Our baby shower was a great success and we were so excited to share in this time with everyone!

Here are the bumpies! 

My belly is definitely getting bigger and more round! 

Here are some pictures of his room and some of the things I've made him! 

Finally, here is a snap shot of us at our baby shower! It was so fun! We really had a good time! 

Now we are starting the process of washing everything and getting it all organized! It's crazy to think how quickly things are going and how soon he will be here! 

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

29 and 30 weeks

These last two weeks have been super crazy! We are getting wrapped up with his room! Almost done!!!! We are getting excited for our baby shower next weekend and cannot wait to celebrate our little boy with everyone!

I have been having quite a bit of contractions and cramping. I was in labor and delivery on Thursday while they monitored me for a few hours. They said I basically need to slow down. Our little boy is in a hurry to be here, but he needs to cook a little more. 

At 29 weeks we got to see our boy again, they told me he was already 4 lbs 4 oz! That's about 1 1/2 to 2 pounds bigger than most babies at this point. He popped up 16 days ahead of schedule on the estimated date. The doctor doesn't want to change my due date just yet. They want to see how the next few weeks go, but we are pretty confident we won't make it to 40 weeks with all of the contractions I've been having. 

Other than that things are going good! I just need to slow down and take it a little easier. 

No more toes! 

Here is my most recent completion! His little turtle! 

And last but not least... A sneak peak of his room! It's not completely done yet, but it's almost there!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

27 and 28 weeks

We hit the 3rd trimester! Finally! We are in the home stretch and I can't believe we are getting so close to our little guy being here!

Week 27 didn't really hold much excitement. Just a bigger belly! 

Week 28 however, was exciting for us! 

Not only did it mark our 3rd trimester, but we had our 3D ultrasound. It was so neat seeing our little boy in 3D. The place we went to gave us a DVD of the whole session, so we have about 25 mins of our boy on video. We also got a cd full of pictures! The package we got also includes a photo book (which they make so we have to wait for), a maternity portrait session, and a stuffed animal with the baby's heartbeat! It was so neat! I have never really wanted a 3D ultrasound before, I personally think they are kind of creepy, but I am sooooooo glad we did it! We are getting excited for big things coming up such as showers, maternity pictures, and getting the nursery done! 

Here are a few of my favorites from the ultrasound!